Consideration for the 3rd day


So, it was in that manner that the Infant Jesus had begun His incarnate life. Now, let us consider the glorious soul and the holy body He had taken, adoringly them profoundly.

Let us admire, in the first place, the soul of the Divine Child. Let us consider in that soul the fullness of sanctifying grace, the beatific knowledge, through which, from the first moment of His life, He saw more clearly than all the Angels, the beatific vision and with which He read the past and the things to come with all its secrets and knowledge.

He never had knowledge of anything through voluntary acquisition that He did not know through infusion from the very first moment of His being; but He adopted all the infirmities of our nature to which He could submit honorably even though these may not have been necessary for the great work He had to fulfill.

Let us ask Him that His divine faculties complete the weakness of ours and give them new energy, that His memory teach us to remember His blessings, His understanding to think of him and do nothing but His will, what He wants in His service.

From the soul of the Infant Jesus let us now move to His body that was a world of wonder, a masterpiece from the hand of God. It was not like ours, a snag for the soul. It was, on the contrary, a new element of sanctity. He wanted to be small and weak, like it is for all children and subject Himself to all the discomforts of infancy in order that He be like us and participate in our humiliations. The Holy Spirit formed in that little body such a sense of delicacy and such a capacity to feel so that He could suffer in the extreme in order that He could fulfill the great work of redemption.

The beauty of the body of the Divine Child was superior to what had ever been imagined, and the Divine Blood that began flowing through His veins from the first moments of His incarnation, is the blood that washes away all the stains from this guilty world. Let us ask Him that He wash away ours in the sacrament of penance, so that on the day of the joyous Nativity He may find us purified, forgiven, and disposed to receive Him with love and spiritual fruitfulness.