Consideration for the 7th Day


Let us imagine Joseph’s and Mary’s journey towards Bethlehem carrying with them, although not yet born, the Creator of the universe, made man. Let us contemplate the humility and the obedience of that Divine Child who, although being of the Jewish race and having loved his people for centuries with an inexplicable predilection, never-the-less obeys a foreign prince who orders a census of the people of his province, and as though he found in that circumstance something that was pleasing to him and he wanted to hurry it along so he could make use of the occasion to have an official and authentic record that he was subject to another from the very moment he would be coming into the world.

The hopes of Joseph and the expectation of Mary cannot be expressed by human language. The Eternal Father is, if it is licit for us to use this expression, adorably impatient to give his only son to the world to see him occupy his place among the visible creatures.