
Consideration for the 6th day


Jesus had been conceived in Nazareth, the home of both Joseph and Mary, at it was to be believed that he would be born there, according to all probabilities. But God had disposed otherwise, and the prophets had announced that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem of Judea, the city of David.

For these prophecies to be fulfilled, God made use of means that did not appear to be at all related to this event. Namely, “a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus that a census of the whole world should be taken” (Luke 2:1), and that all the subjects of the Roman Empire should go to their place-of-birth to register.

Mary and Joseph, who were descendants of David, were not dispensed from going to Bethlehem. Neither the condition of the Most Holy Virgin, not Joseph’s need of daily work to sustain his family, exempted them from this long and arduous journey during the most difficult season of the year. “And Joseph also went from Galilee out of the town of Nazareth into Judea to the town of David, which is called Bethlehem – because he was of the house and family of David – to register, together with Mary his espoused wife, who was with child.” (Luke 2: 4-5)

Jesus was not ignorant of where he was to be born, so he inspires his parents to place themselves in the hands of Providence and in this manner, they unconsciously cooperate with the fulfillment of the Divine plan.

Interior souls observe this handling of the Divine Child because it is most important to our spiritual life. Learn that whoever has given himself to God no longer belongs to himself and should want at every moment what God wants for him, following God blindly even in external matters such as the change of location that it might please Him to send you.

You will have occasions to observe this dependence and inviolable fidelity of Jesu Christ through his entire life. This is the point in which the saints and the truly interior souls have endeavored to imitate Him, his complete renunciation of his own will.