Antiphons for the Coming of the Infant Jesus


My sweet Infant Jesus

My Beloved Child

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so!


Dulce Jesús mío

Mi niño adorado

Ven a nuestras almas

Ven no tardes tanto!

O Supreme Wisdom

of our sovereign God

To the state of an infant

You sacredly descend

O Divine Infant

Come to teach us

The prudence that makes

For truly wise men

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

O powerful Adonai

When speaking to Moses

To Israel, your people,

You gave the commandments

Ah! Come promptly

To rescue us

And may a fragile child

Show might with his arm

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

O sacred root of Jesse

In your heights

You present to the heavens

Your fragrant nard

Sweetest Infant

You have been called

Lily of the valleys

Fair Flower of the field

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

O key of David

That opens to the exiled

The locked gates

Of the Royal Palace

Free us O Child,

With your spotless hand

From the dismal prison

Wrought by sin

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

O radiance from the east

Sun of eternal rays

In the depth of darkness

May we see your splendor

Most precious infant

Joy of Christians

Shine forth the smile

From your sweet lips

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

Spotless mirror

Holy of Holies

Unequaled image

Of our sovereign God

Wipe away our guilt

Rescue the exiled

And in the form of child

Give the wretched refuge

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

King of all nations

Exalted Emmanuel

Longing of Israel

Shepherd of the flock

Child who pastures

With gentle staff

both the fretful sheep

and the docile lamb

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so!

Open Heavens!

And let the skies drop

Beneficial dew

As holy rain [Isaiah 45:5]

Come fair Infant

Come God made man

Shine fair star

Bloom flower of the field

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

Come, now that Mary

Prepares her arms

To see her child In approaching time.

Come now that Joseph

With holy longing

Chooses to become

A sanctuary of your love.

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

Help of the weak

Relief of the of the suffering

Consolation of the afflicted

Beacon of the exiled

Life of my life

My beloved master

My constant friend

My divine brother

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

May my eyes see you

It is you I love

Now kiss your feet

Now kiss your hands

Prostrate on the ground

I extend thee my arms

And even than my words

I say with my tears

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]

Come our Savior

for whom we send up our sighs

Come into our souls

Come do not delay so! [Refrain]