Prayer to the Infant Jesus

(recited  every day)

Remember, oh most sweet Infant Jesus that you said to the Venerable Margarita of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and through her to all those devoted to you, these words so consoling to our poor burdened and aching humanity: Ask all that you want to ask for, through the merits of my infancy and nothing will be denied you. Filled with confidence in You, Oh Jesus, who are truth itself, we come to expose before you all our misery. Help us to lead a holy life so that we may obtain a blessed eternity. Grant through the infinite merits of your incarnation and of your infancy, the grace we have so much need of. We offer ourselves to you, O Omnipotent Infant, confident that our hopes will not fail and that by virtue of your divine promise; you will welcome and favorably dispatch our supplications. Amen